polyflor_polysafe APEX 55

Polysafe Apex 55 - is a safety vinyl flooring range combining the assurance of sustainable wet slip resistance with high durability for years of performance in extreme, heavy footfall commercial areas.
.Available with enhanced slip resistance, the range features a concentrated level of safety aggregates in the vinyl to ensure underfoot safety. .Provides low slip potential in busy commercial kitchens and food processing areas where oil and grease are regular contaminants.
.Specially designed with enhanced levels of sustainable slip resistance for use in the more extreme and intensive food production and processing areas where there are risks of high viscosity contaminants.
.Standing the toughest of tests, Apex is suitable for use in busy kitchen environments whether commercial, gourmet or food preparation areas where over 100 meals and covers are served daily and where the floor is subjected to everyday spillages such as cooking oil, margarine and grease. Such as hospitals, schools, hotels, restaurants and fast food establishments.
18 種色調針對癡呆症友善設計方案中的規格進行了優化統一的外觀和啞光錶面光潔度;
採用 Polysafe PUR 增強,可維持最佳外觀;
.Polysafe Verona PUR 2 x 20m - (2mm)(厚) - R10 / 36+
- 產品選擇範圍 -
- 安裝注意 -
.固體基材的相對濕度不得超過 75%,除非另有說明,例如 Polysafe QuickLay。
.安裝Polyflor彈性地板時,必須塗抹至少 3 毫米厚的水泥平滑化合物。
.請勿使用含水量小於 7% 且大於 14% 的板材(使用電阻水分計測試時)
- 保養方式 -
.Polysafe PUR 系列專為防污而設計,確保即使在運輸、安裝和移交之前的一段時間內,施工清潔的強度也可以顯著降低。這將對初始成本產生有益的影響。
.此維護程序旨在優化 Polysafe PUR 系統(最新的清潔技術)的優勢。該系統透過每天執行此快速而簡單的程序並每次使用清潔的設備來最大程度地提高污垢拾取率並消除條紋
.更傳統的機械清潔方法,例如 165rpm 旋轉洗地機、甲板洗地機或拖把和水桶系統,可以與適當的中性或鹼性清潔劑一起使用 - 完整的詳細信息可從保麗獲得
Normally shipping delivery takes around 8-10 weeks from your orders on. If you require any express services, delivery time can be upgraded as 2-4 weeks.
(For any questions, please feel free contact us during business hours for better information.)